「 投稿者アーカイブ:yellowmagic 」 一覧
Palauan iron woods for Tebang storyboards !
2018/06/19 -Shop
The Boss of the shop himself goes to logging trees with shop staffs. Processing good quality Palauan mahogany, various storyboards are made.
Storyboard for the Nippon Foundation, to Republic of Palau.
2018/02/14 -Works
Tebang Darwin 'Ling' Inabo gracing the occasion of Handover of PSS Kedam, Melusech Melachel and Bai Bul under the Nippon Foundation to Republic of Palau.
We open the Internet Website!
2018/02/13 -Shop
Tebang Woodcarving Shop's Website is opened! We are waiting for inquiries and orders from everyone in the world.